April 05, 2010

The truth behind Easter Sunday

Its crazy how much has happened through IV this past month. Wow, when we are open to the Lord's doings, it is amazing the journey he takes you on. This past week, I was able to talke with a friend who has been coming to IV. I met this young man while doing outreach one Friday night. He is from the Jordan and is Muslim. He says that he is a liberal Muslim and likes to learn about different faiths.

This young man has been coming to our large groups for two weeks now and this past week, God opened up huge doors. For discussion last Tuesday, we talked about Jesus as being 100% human. After shop was closed up, he and I discussed a bit more the content of large group. He said that he had never thought of Jesus that way....
We began to talk more about Allah and who Allah means to him. After a bit, I pointed out how I saw Allah. During my studies of World Religions at my Undergrad, I told him that I found Allah to be a god who struck fear into the hearts of his people. And that people serve him only out of fear. He replied,"Yes, I do see that." I told him that it breaks my heart that this is so. That Allah does not seem very merciful.

We discussed some other aspects to his faith, and found out that he did not know why people in their faith believe or do what they do. The last aspect he spoke of as based on the after life He said, "Well, you know, in our faith, when we die, Allah will ask us three questions. If we were good, we will be able to answer these questions and make it to heaven. If not, then we will go to hell." I asked him, "Well, do you know what these questions are?" He said he did not know. I asked, "So, you will die and not know for sure that you are going to heaven?...Even if you lived a good life, the best life, you may not go to heaven if you do not answer these questions correct?" He replied, Nodding, he said "Yes, yes. That is right." I said, "There is no way that anyone then will make it. So if I live a 99.9 % as a good person, if Allah is not feeling merciful that day, I will not go to heaven; I will not answer the questions right." He said, "Yes.I guess I have never thought of it that way."

I then said, "So you have no assurance,but only of living a good life and hopefully answer these three questions right?... See this is why I love Jesus. With him, I DO/we all have the assurance of heaven. I will not make it into heaven on my own account (which no matter how good I am I will not make it in, because all men have fallen short). I will get to go to heaven because God became man as Jesus, and Jesus died on the cross for all of my sins. I know when I die, I will not have to answer questions; I am guilty on my account, but Jesus writes his name across my list of wrongs and because of that, I will get to spend eternity with my God. Through Jesus, God shows mercy." At this point,my eyes began to well up with tears and I said to him, "(His name), I want you to have assurance such as this, that when you die you will, without a doubt, rest in the hope that you will go to heaven."
He was taken back a bit by my reaction I think. He paused, and then said, "Thank you....truly...um, no one has ever shown me these things, the difference.....thank you..."
What a sweet truth we find in Easter Sunday. That we have assurance because of what Jesus did on the cross! Oh how our Lord works, and at just the right time, he will illumniate perfectly his truth. It will shine forth in the darkness, and help those who were blind to begin to see!!! Pray for Light to shine forth.

March 10, 2010

Prayer for us working at the U of M...

This morning, as I was in the Word, I remembered a prayer prayed by John Maxwell over his listeners. Prayer is so powerful. It puts us where we belong and allows God to return to the place he belongs. Us, in reverence and submission under the greatness and care of God the Father. If you could pray this prayer for us working at the U of Mn, and also for other brothers and sisters working elsewhere in the Lord's name, it would be the greatest of gifts. Thank you and His blessings!

Prayer for Spiritual Strength
14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

March 09, 2010

Coming soon, to a blog (well this blog actually) near you!

Wow, there has been soooo much that has happened since January at the U of M:) I am hoping to be getting an update going soon (March 16th or so!). What to expect/Preview:
1. You will get front row seats to seeing God work intricately in the life of a young man I have been trying to reach out to since Novemeber at the dorm I am reaching out to (Pioneer).
2. Also, another story about how God can use the simpilest things in life that will impact others for him. It has to do with a Guitar Group now being started at Pioneer, with some students who are searching:) Yea God!!

Until then, please be in prayer for us serving at the U of M: Pray for the Holy Spirit to illuminate the hearts that are found in the dark. Pray that, when we leave the student's presence, the Spirit will soar and engulf their hearts!!!
Praise the Lord! Bring Him glory and praise, forever and ever AMEN!

January 11, 2010

The Power of Prayer

December 7, 2009
*Certain names have been changed to keep the integrity of those involved.

At around 5, my supervisor, Mac, and I walked over to the Coffman building. This is a place we have gone to connect with people we don’t know, but people how may need someone to listen or talk to. It’s a place when you walk in and find before you a foyer full of students filling big lounge chairs, either studying, talking and even some sleeping.

Upon entering the building, Mac suggested that we take the route we have gone in weeks for previous outreach. So as we made our way through the rows of studying or sleeping students, we made our way down the elevator. At the base of the elevator is the U of M Campus bookstore and just the week before, we connected a bit with people here; so we decided to make our way once again through the book stacks. Upon entering, both of us noticed a store that hadn’t caught our eye before. It was the technology store. Ha, it was like it was shining almost, and believe me, I am not a tech-addicted person. Clothing stores glow to me, not technology stores. So, looking back, it was quite weird for us, me especially, to notice this store.

Since I am an Artist, I was drawn to the Art section, which was located in front of the Technology store. After meandering around, trying to find someone to connect with, Mac and I decided to make our way out of the bookstore. As we were walking by the Technology Store, Mac and I turned and looked in at the store. At this point, he made a comment that he was about due for a new lap top bag. I suggested that we might go and look to see if he could find one; we were already there so why not?

Getting into the store, I walked over to a wall stocked with IPod containers. After a minuet of looking, a young man came up to me and asked if I needed help looking for something. I responded with a “no, not at this time,” and he left me to gander at the wall.

A few seconds later, I decided to hang out and talk, allowing my conversation to start with my experience as a sales person on the sales floor at Schaffer’s (in Des Moines, IA in 2007-2008) and my current sales position (Bare Escentuals, Rosedale Mall, Rosedale, MN 2009-present). I started my conversation by telling *Derrick (the college student who had offered to help me) about what I do when people reply to me, the same way I replied to him just moments before.

To put into picture where I was, I found myself now in the middle of the store, standing outside of a work Island that house headphones. A young man named *Sam was standing in the center of the Island, while Derrick came along beside the side of the island. At that point, the conservation moved comfortably in the direction of talking about the important issues that neither Derrick or Sam had understood or talked about in some time. Issues such as: Salvation, Faith, Freedom in Christ. It was incredible!

After an hour of discussing and answering questions brought up by the Sam and Derrick, my supervisor Mac came back into the store. He was soon joined by the store Supervisor named *Jim, who is also very mindful of faith issues. While the conversation started wrapping up, Mac and Jim talked, and at time interjected their points on certain topics that arose until it was time to close up shop. As Jim asked if he could walk Mac and me out into the foyer, both Derrick and Sam thanked me for the conversation. Big things were talked about and God was SO present!

Now out in the foyer, Jim thanked Mac and me for stopping by. He expressed that just moments before Mac and I had made our way into the store, Derrick and Sam were talking with Jim about the Old Testament and other big, faith issues. Not knowing the right words to say and feeling a bit over his head, Jim, said that he had prayed to the Lord to ask for help. He then stated, “Not two minutes later, you both walked in, and then you (pointing at me), began your conversation with the both of them.” He said that God has been really working on the man who was standing inside the island’s heart and that he was SO happy that the conversation we had happened.

WOW!!!! At this point, I began to cry, moved by the Spirit and the awesome work he did before us. To be an answer to a prayer, amazing. There are not words.
God is big. His power resides in each of us and with that, he wants us to open up our hearts and our time to talking with people from all walks of life. If we do, we could be an answer to someone’s prayer, but most importantly, we could usher yet another soul in the throne room of Christ!

December 10, 2009

INTERVARSITY UPFRONT: God's Vision. God's Hands. God's Influence. (October 2009)

Well, I am first and foremost excited to present my first update to each of you since my newsletter that was sent out this past summer. I am also excited to share with all of you, my Prayer Circle Team, how God is both challenging and growing:
1. Me as a leader and 2. The group I am honored to be part of.
These past two months, I have been forced to face what my own abilities as a leader have been. My reactions to my leadership reflection are: surprise, encouragement, humility and at times discouragement. With all of these feeling, an increasing knowledge of out HOW MUCH I truly need to lean on our Savior for direction and guidance.
Some truths that have been enforced or reinforced these past two months:
• “Doing” things are easier said than done.
• . We as God’s disciples MUST seek Him and His throne for His vision. Otherwise, God will not give the opportunities to grow his children and embrace the lost, to us; rather He will give them to others.
• Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or placing burden on others. It is an opportunity to live out authentic community that God has beautifully designed.
• To be an effective leader, I must know more about WHO God has created me to be, than knowing WHAT TO DO.
• The Authority God has placed over me can be trusted.

What is has happened these past two months at InterVarsity of the U of M Campus:
• Outreach Team developed for the 5K freshmen at the Superblock starting this week!
• The Refuge on Tuesday nights from 7:30-8:30
• Student Leaders being transformed more into Godly men and women weekly
• Growth for leaders at Encounter Retreat October 9-10th in Maple Grove.
• Leadership Conference October 24 &31st.
• 4 Small groups, allowing students to discover more of God and more of who God has created them to be.

I have learned that growing stronger as a leader is a process, not an instantaneous event. Patience and grace for me and for others journeying on this process creates a holy and godly environment, where the Lord’s presence is felt.
God is SOOO good!


Many of you have recived this letter back in August. It was my newsletter that kicked of my year as an Intern!

This verse first found its way into my life, profoundly, during the one of the most breaking and difficult of summers to date. It was August, 2007. This month handed me the loss of my first job out of college. On top of this, a year-long battle, characterized by feelings of inadequacy and loss of self-identity, intensified. No longer a student, busy by friends and distracted by various elements I unconsciously found my identity in during college, the summer of 2007 was filled with feelings of profound loneliness, frustration, confusion and purposelessness. I wondered, “How did I get here?” As a young woman very much in love with the Lord, how did this happen?
As I look back today, the summer of 2007 was a long time coming. Only after the distractions wrought by college ‘business’, was I then forced to face the void that had grown between my precious Savior and me. All my feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence and loss in life-direction steamed from a lack in me striving to find my identity in Jesus Christ. It is only in Him where we find our purpose, significance, direction, companionship and so much more! Hence why Paul’s revelation proves to be so compelling, especially to my heart that rainy August afternoon.

So where has all this led me to today?
As the process of healing in the arms of my Savior ensued, I began to hear his gentle voice beaconing me to something big. While I have always had a heart for others to know the fulfillment and freedom found in a relationship with Jesus, a specific desire to reach out to others through ministry grew. During my time as a bridal consultant in Des Moines, IA, a desire to attend seminary was rekindled in my heart in the winter of ‘08. Before I knew it, I was a student at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN, September ’08, pursuing a MA in Theological Studies with college ministries as the goal of this pursuit. This past spring, I interviewed with Intervarsity for an internship position and shortly after, found out that I would be given the privilege to be on staff for the 2009-2010 school year, at the University of Minnesota Campus in Minneapolis, MN.

Why Intervarsity?
Did you know that only 4 % of people born from 1984-2002 except Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 4 PERECENT! This could be your child, grandchild, friend, former student, etc.
Intervarsity is a Campus Ministry Organization whose commitment is witnessing the glory found in the Gospel, to students on campuses across the nation, in hopes to make that percentage increase! We as Staff strive to be intentional and consistent, both elements are an ever-increasing need in a setting full of broken, hurting and lost students.
These very students are also individuals with profound potential to carry out God’s purposes in the 21st century.
We desire that college campuses would be a place where students no longer lose their faith and identity in Christ, but instead, find or deepen their relationship with the Lord and in turn, be transformed. Through this transformative work, I believe students will find themselves free, immovable and empowered, because they have established their true identity in Jesus Christ. I desire for that 4 percent to turn into 100 percent. With God, all things are possible. What legacy do you want to leave? Are generations that praise our God your legacy? Or are the things of this world it?

Why You…This letter is geared toward those of you who love the Lord and desire to see His glory increase in His world and in the lives of others. I pray that you will walk alongside me with our Lord, to help increase His work on this campus!
My desire for young men and women at the University of Minnesota is that they encounter the Lord in such a way, that they compare everything but a loss in light of their knowing of Jesus Christ as Lord. Together, we can make a difference for His Kingdom, in the lives who are our future! Prayers and financial means are immense needs, and will allow me be a consistent and active Christ-like presence for students at the U of M.
As for financial support, personally needed is $1,300. As for Intervarsity as a whole, we are always in need of finances to supply Scholarship money for students who are financially strapped, so they might be able to take part in the God encounter retreats.
So, what your tithe/contribution make possible?
• Me be able to be present and an active part in the lives of others be freed from the stronghold of sin.
• Support Intervarsity as a Ministry to help others get to a place where they are able to encounter God and be freed from Satan’s hold.
Thank you for your financial and spiritual support! The Lord will bless you as you bless students who will impact our futures, here on earth and His Kingdom to come!

To God be the Glory!